HealThySelf branding project portfolio


A full branding project including illustration, color, typography and more.

HealThySelf is a brand dedicated to supporting people in their health and wellness and making it accessible through natural resources.

A colorful logo with typography and an illustrated mushroom
HealThySelf typography and an illustrated mushroom.
A logo mark that is just color and illustrative including a mushroom

This branding project is full of bright healing colors, an inviting font and playful illustrations. This is a versatile collection of logo variations, full color palette and additional illustrations to support their needs with packaging.

Another full version on this logo with HealThySelf type and an illustrated mushroom in place of the T all contained in a circle.
Illustrations for further brand use such as a mushroom, eye and a sun.
A logo mark that is an illustrated mushroom with color and lines contained in a circle`

A variety of logo marks with text and some with an illustrated mushroom in different colors.

A package with a designed label that includes their new branding
Illustrative graphics plus typography
A man wearing a branded HealThySelf tshirt

As you can see, this brand project is extensive with many applications.

This brand plans to have a wide array of products, merchandise and more and it was important for us to execute with that in mind.

A white tshirt with a logo option on it.
a mocked up wall with a graphic sun and mushroom along with the text HealThySelf
A branded tote bag with their illustrated mushroom and typography on it

A woman wearing a shirt with an illustrated mushroom on it
A logo option on a leaf photo.
A business card with a mushroom background
A tote bag showcasing their main logo design.