Digital Illustration drawn in Procreate for iPad of a sun, mushrooms and plants that says "we are all connected"

Connect to your audience through play and storytelling.

Illustration is a great way to connect to people. It is an approachable way to meet others and also relates to any age.

Enhance your magick.

You can be playful and sophisticated through illustration.

Illustration can be used through graphics on your website, iconography, print outs, merchandise, animation and more. Using your brand colors, you can strengthen your presence through illustration.

Illustrative characters is powerful and can leave a lasting impression.

Illustration Includes:

Based on the intended outcome of the illustration, these projects include color, hand typography, a variety of file formats and sizing along with backgrounds or transparent backgrounds. Each illustration is so unique that it does not have it’s own list of what is included.

Illustration Process

Illustration has multiple applications. With this in mind I begin with a discovery call with you and learn about how you want illustration to play a role in your project or business.

Here’s a brief outline of what to expect:

  • I gather inspiration, applications, brand guidelines (if available) & mood boards from you

  • I then sketch rough drafts

  • Editing and feedback is received from you

  • You are included in the whole process until we finalize & launch

Projects do require homework

“Working with Chelsea from start to finish was comfortable and supportive. She is both a professional and an artist. I just started a business and she guided me through steps I didn't even realize I needed to take. She saved me so much time and energy with her knowledge and advice. Her design and label turned out absolutely beautiful. Exactly what I was hoping for it to look like, everyone who has seen it has said that looks like you! And that's exactly what I was going for something that looked and felt like me and she really knows how to design that way. Anytime I have needed to make an adjustment or a change she is always quick to respond and it is an over all pleasure to work with her, I feel very grateful to have Chelsea on my team.

— Justine Perizzo, Expert Women’s Herbalist


Illustration has so many applications and because of this, each illustrative project has specific needs unique to the the client or business. I spend time discovering all the needs in an initial call and then craft a specialized proposal.

Digital Illustration drawn in Procreate of a snake that says Snake Magic in hand drawn typography